(Hint: Say "Hell yes!" and read on.)

This is not rocket science! It is more like third grade math!

Our Constitution is racing toward being 250 years old! It was written by a group of affluent, mostly old, white men, most of whom were slave owners, in an era when women were considered to be property, and it was perfectly acceptable to literally beat them into submission.

It is a document that reflects what these men thought would be an appropriate way to govern, which would, of course, mean a government run entirely by affluent, mostly old, white men.

While it is iconic, was ground-breaking at the time it was written, and has been used as a foundation for similar Constitutions all around the world, it is racist, misogynistic, antiquated, and is not written to manage the complexities of a twenty-first-century progressive society. In all fairness to the founders though, no one living when our

Constitution was written could have imagined or anticipated the size, the technological advances, or the complexities of our current society.

Furthermore, contrary to what we were all taught in school, our Constitution does not promote democracy, was never intended to promote democracy, and will never be able to support a true democracy where every vote is considered equal and the majority rules. If we had a real democracy, neither W nor Trump would have ever gotten near the White House door, women would still have abortion rights, every citizen of voting age would have easy access to voting, the LGBTQ+ community would not feel threatened, workers would get paid fair wages, and a helluva lot more. Suffice it to say life would be different and better for all Americans.

Additionally, our Constitution...let me say that again for emphasis...OUR CONSTITUTION has brought us to a point where our government is absolutely unable to govern. Most Americans are completely fed up with the do-nothingness of Congress and its inability to solve any real problems. Our entire government is so embroiled in a quagmire of hyper-partisan career politicians who have sold their souls to a handful of ultra-rich oligarchs in order to keep getting themselves reelected that we are on the verge of a total governmental collapse and poised to turn into a full-blown dictatorship. In fact, several right-wing extremist groups are already making their plans to help make that happen.

Succinctly put, WE CAN DO BETTER! It is time for change, and the most efficient and effective way to do that is by adopting a new Constitution.

OK...and how do we do that?

Simple...but definitely not easy!

First, we must have a document that enough people support to give it a realistic chance to be adopted. It has to be a document that is easily understood and which we can reasonably expect to win a majority vote. Just being better than what we have won't be enough. It must EXCITE people enough to want it and to talk about it, then to actually get out and vote for it when the time comes.

That is a pretty tall order. Americans are usually resistant to sweeping changes.

Second, we have to generate enough interest and enthusiasm about our proposal to come together to force Congress to pass a law demanding a binding referendum and allow all Americans to vote on it. Another very tall order.

That will likely be the political battle of the century.

Third, after we get the referendum solidified, then we campaign like our lives depended on passing it and getting out the vote.

This one is not going to be easy, either! But it can be done!

At the risk of sounding egotistical, I believe we are already off to a great start. I'm pretty sure I have completed step one for us.

More on that below.

Things change fast.

Please subscribe to my mailing list to get regular updates on our progress.

This is where we start.

This book is exactly what the title promises. It is an actual proposal for a new Constitution AND an actual plan to get it adopted.

My proposal is not meant to be political, though I'm sure it will become very politicized. The mindset from which I wrote was simply to solve problems as effectively and as fairly as possible. Except for being anti-Trump, because a vote for Trump is, by his own admission a vote against democracy, my book was written with NO political partisanship, only the pursuit of solutions that are workable.

No shade intended to the authors of our current Constitution, but my proposal is better, and not by a little, by a galaxy or two. I have the advantage of nearly 250 years of history to research and look at ways to improve it, and I have done my best to capitalize on that advantage. My proposal fixes most of the problems created by the Constitution we have.

But rather than try to explain, I'm just going to put Chapter One and the beginning of Chapter Two here for you to read. It's only about a dozen pages, and I think it will tell you all you need to know to decide if you want to subscribe to my newsletter or purchase my book. Click on the button and hold on tight. It's quite a ride!

Please note: All book purchases and small donations not only support me as an author but allow me to be a full-time activist for the ideas and the underserved communities to whom my proposal offers hope and allows me to advocate for groups and individuals who currently have little to no voice in our government.

Join our mailing list to get regular updates and lots of ideas to consider. You can cancel anytime.

This proposal greatly amplifies the voices of underserved communities.

Included in this proposal are perpetual, fully-funded programs to specifically empower and benefit:


African Americans

Native Americans

All other People of Color and minorities

The LGBTQ+ community

Small farmers

Rural communities

Small businesses

Students (current and future)

People repaying student loans


Areas of high unemployment

Areas of high crime rates


The Poor

The Homeless

The Hungry

The entire American Workforce

and much MORE...

Get your Amazon Kindle copy today for only $3.95 and see how a new Constitution can benefit you, and support millions of underserved and forgotten Americans!

Some of the specific changes included

in this proposal

This proposal is designed from the very first sentence to build a government that truly is "of the people, by the people, and for the people."

Under this proposal:

  1. Equality for everyone (Equalism) will be clearly mandated (read it for yourself under the "Chapter One" tab above.)

  2. Voting rights for every citizen 18 or older will be assured.

  3. Abortion rights will be embedded in the Constitution.

  4. Representation in the Congress will be greatly expanded, and it will be mandated that half of the Congress be women.

  5. All lifetime judicial appointments will be terminated and all Federal Judges and the Supreme Court will become elected officials.

  6. Continuous training and recertification will be required for all law enforcement officers regarding the use of firearms.

  7. Every person shall have freedom of speech, but defamation, hate speech, and disinformation will have consequences.

  8. Cannabis products will be legal for adults in all states.

  9. All undergraduate student debt will be forgiven.

  10. A free national program to obtain a Bachelor's Degree or to become skilled tradesmen will be established.

  11. Gun control laws are embedded into the Constitution.

  12. The federal budget will be balanced and the national debt repaid.

  13. The ability of the wealthy to manipulate the government will be severely restricted.

  14. The oversized influence of hyper-partisan politics will be significantly diminished.

  15. The availability of healthcare for everyone will be vastly expanded, the quality of healthcare will be improved, and the costs will be substantially reduced.

  16. Much, much more! (Over 250 pages of "more"!)

Sound too good to be true? Well, it's not only true. It is all written out and ready to go. All you have to do is help get it adopted! This is no hollow, never-to-be-fulfilled political promise. If we, the people, adopt this proposal it becomes THE LAW! If you like these ideas, there are two things you can do to help us make this proposal a reality. Support us financially (through purchases, small donations. or helping our crowdfunding project) and by inviting people to this website. It would be terrific if you did both.

Click on the buttons below to see specific benefits in this proposal to empower each designated group.

This is only a sample of what is included in this proposal. It is very comprehensive. To get the complete picture, you have to read the proposal. You can get your copy now by clicking the button below.